
SER Caxias do Sul v Remo

Tue, Jul 09, 24, 6:00 AM
Match Odds
SER Caxias do SulThe DrawRemo
Over/Under Goals
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
SER Caxias do SulDrawRemo
Both Teams to Score Markets
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
1st Half Result
SER Caxias do SulDrawRemo
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • SER Caxias do Sul And Draw
  • Remo And Draw
  • SER Caxias do Sul And Remo
SER Caxias do SulHandicap DrawRemo
SER Caxias do SulHandicap DrawRemo
  • SER Caxias do Sul / SER Caxias do Sul
  • SER Caxias do Sul / Draw
  • SER Caxias do Sul / Remo
  • Draw / SER Caxias do Sul
  • Draw/Draw
  • Draw/Remo
  • Remo / SER Caxias do Sul
  • Remo/Draw
  • Remo/Remo
SER Caxias do SulRemoNo Goals
SER Caxias do SulDrawRemo

Bet Slip

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