HONEY PERFUME (9) won a trial before producing a bold effort to finish third fresh up at Scone nearly 5 weeks ago. She has been a late scratching since then when suffering a float incident and should be ready to win her first race at short notice. IMA CAPRI (2) was narrowly beaten on debut at Hawkesbury nearly 3 weeks ago when finishing a game third after racing handy to the pace. He drops to country class and can take this out. IRRADIANCE (5) is resuming from a spell that would have done her the world of good. She has been placed in 3 of her 4 starts on this track and is capable of figuring in the finish fresh up. HAZEL JEAN (8) was only beaten by a nose fresh up at Canberra when flashing home late from last in a 6-horse field. She will naturally improve with that run and can have the last say this time. ALABAMA HUSSY (15) was put aside after finishing fifth on debut at Kembla Grange during the spring. She resumes at an easier level and is not out of this. Watch closely.