Lots of these close to a win. MISSILE GIRL (9) returned from a break with an eye-catching run over this journey, hitting the line hard for third. Kept fresh but has since run nicely in a trial. Will be tough to stop. SUANCES (10) is sure to be well fancied again on the back of three placings from three runs in first campaign. Returns after a long break but has jumped out nicely. Looks a top hope. ITWASONLYAKISS (2) closed off strongly last start to get up for second, beaten 1.5 lengths, over 1454m at Kyneton. Working up to a win and is among the main chances. MISS XTRAVAGANZA (8) has been in the placings all four starts since finishing fifth on debut, including an eye-catching return. Drawn to take catching. MADE THE EFFORT (7) went forward last time but couldn't quicken in the run home and finished fourth over 1200m at Moe. Placed 2/3 this longer trip and appeals as a top-four contender.