
Ituano v Botafogo SP

24年7月08日(月) 2:00
Match Odds
ItuanoThe DrawBotafogo SP
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Each Team to have 3+ Cards
Each team to have 2 or more corners in each half
Over 1.5 second half Goals & over 5.5 second half Corners
Ituano Scores 2+ Goals & 6+ Ituano Corners
Botafogo SP Scores 2+ Goals & 6+ Botafogo SP Corners
Ituano to Score 2+ Goals; Ituano 6+ Corners & Botafogo SP 3+ Cards
5+ Corners for each team & penalty scored
Ituano to Win; Ituano Most Corners & Botafogo SP Most Cards
Ituano 1+ Goals in Each Half; Ituano 2+ Corners in Each Half & Botafogo SP 1+ Cards in Each Half
Botafogo SP to Score 2+ Goals; Botafogo SP 6+ Corners & Ituano 3+ Cards
ゴール数 (上か下か)
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
Ituano引き分けBotafogo SP
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
No Goalscorer-
Alex Sandro
Leandro Pereira
Thonny Anderson
Ze Eduardo
Bruno Xavier
ItuanoDrawBotafogo SP
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Ituano And Draw
  • Botafogo SP And Draw
  • Ituano And Botafogo SP
  • Leandro Pereira
  • Alex Sandro
  • Salatiel
  • Thonny Anderson
  • Ze Eduardo
  • Bruno Xavier
  • Yann Rolim
  • Neto Berola
  • Gustavo Bochecha
  • Willian
ItuanoHandicap DrawBotafogo SP
ItuanoHandicap DrawBotafogo SP
  • Ituano/Ituano
  • Ituano/Draw
  • Ituano/Botafogo SP
  • Draw/Ituano
  • Draw/Draw
  • Draw/Botafogo SP
  • Botafogo SP/Ituano
  • Botafogo SP/Draw
  • Botafogo SP/Botafogo SP
  • Ituano
  • Botafogo SP
ItuanoBotafogo SPNo Goals
ItuanoDrawBotafogo SP
ItuanoBotafogo SP
  • Yes


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