
Guarani v Sport Recife

24年7月08日(月) 4:30
Match Odds
GuaraniThe DrawSport Recife
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Each Team to have 3+ Cards
Each team to have 2 or more corners in each half
Over 1.5 second half Goals & over 5.5 second half Corners
Sport Recife Scores 2+ Goals & 6+ Sport Recife Corners
Guarani Scores 2+ Goals & 6+ Guarani Corners
5+ Corners for each team & penalty scored
Sport Recife to Score 2+ Goals; Sport Recife 6+ Corners & Guarani 3+ Cards
Guarani to Score 2+ Goals; Guarani 6+ Corners & Sport Recife 3+ Cards
Guarani Not to Score & Over 13.5 Corners
2+ Goals In Each Half; 4+ Corners In Each Half & 1+ Cards In Each Half
ゴール数 (上か下か)
Over/Under 0.5 Goals
Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Over/Under 3.5 Goals
Over/Under 4.5 Goals
Correct Score
Guarani引き分けSport Recife
Both teams to Score?
Both Teams Score No Draw
Both Teams to Score Two or More Goals
Both Teams to Score in the First Half
Gustavo Coutinho
Caio Dantas
No Goalscorer-
Ze Roberto
Pablo Dyego
Christian Ortiz
GuaraniDrawSport Recife
1st Half Over/Under 0.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 1.5 Goals
1st Half Over/Under 2.5 Goals
  • Guarani And Draw
  • Sport Recife And Draw
  • Guarani And Sport Recife
  • Gustavo Coutinho
  • Ze Roberto
  • Caio Dantas
  • Pablo Dyego
  • Christian Ortiz
  • Marlon
  • Luccas Paraizo
  • Chrystian Barletta
  • Vinicius Faria
  • Romarinho
GuaraniHandicap DrawSport Recife
GuaraniHandicap DrawSport Recife
  • Guarani/Guarani
  • Guarani/Draw
  • Guarani/Sport Recife
  • Draw/Guarani
  • Draw/Draw
  • Draw/Sport Recife
  • Sport Recife/Guarani
  • Sport Recife/Draw
  • Sport Recife/Sport Recife
  • Guarani
  • Sport Recife
GuaraniSport RecifeNo Goals
GuaraniDrawSport Recife
GuaraniSport Recife
  • Yes


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